select min(dates), max(dates) from temp_user;
# 基于天
select dates,
count(user_id) pv,
count(distinct user_id) uv,
round(count(user_id) / count(distinct user_id),2) 'pv/uv'
from temp_user
group by dates;
# 基于小时
select hours,
count(user_id) pv,
count(distinct user_id) uv,
round(count(user_id) / count(distinct user_id),2) 'pv/uv'
from temp_user
group by hours;
# 特定日期(12-12)
select hours,
count(user_id) pv,
count(distinct user_id) uv,
round(count(user_id) / count(distinct user_id),2) 'pv/uv'
from temp_user
where dates = '2014-12-12'
group by hours;
# 将表关联,筛选出b表的日期大于a表的日期
select * from
(select user_id, dates from temp_user group by user_id, dates) a
left join
(select user_id, dates from temp_user group by user_id, dates) b
on a.user_id = b.user_id
where a.dates <= b.dates;
select a.dates,
count(distinct a.user_id) theday, -- 当天计数
count(if(datediff(b.dates,a.dates)=1,b.user_id,null)) / count(distinct a.user_id) remain1, -- 次日留存率
count(if(datediff(b.dates,a.dates)=7,b.user_id,null)) / count(distinct a.user_id) remain7, -- 七日留存率
count(if(datediff(b.dates,a.dates)=30,b.user_id,null)) / count(distinct a.user_id) remain30 -- 月留存率
(select user_id, dates from temp_user group by user_id, dates) a
left join
(select user_id, dates from temp_user group by user_id, dates) b
on a.user_id = b.user_id
where a.dates <= b.dates
group by a.dates;
select dates, count(*) '每日跳失数'
from (
select dates, user_id
from temp_user
where behavior_type = 1
group by dates, user_id
having count(behavior_type) = 1
) a
group by dates; -- 存入daily_jump表
# 将表daily_jump与day_pv_uv联结,计算流失率
select dj.dates, 每日跳失数, uv
,round(每日跳失数 / uv,4) '跳失率'
from daily_jump dj join day_pv_uv dpu
on dj.dates = dpu.dates;
# 基于日期-小时的用户行为
select dates, hours,
count(if(behavior_type=1,1,null)) pv,
count(if(behavior_type=2,1,null)) fav,
count(if(behavior_type=3,1,null)) cart,
count(if(behavior_type=4,1,null)) buy
from temp_user
group by dates, hours
order by dates, hours;
select behavior_type, count(*) num from temp_user
group by behavior_type;
# +-------------+--------+
# behavior_type |num |
# +-------------+--------+
# |1 |5535879|
# |2 |239472 |
# |3 |331350 |
# |4 |106678 |
# +-------------+--------+
select (239472+331350) / 5535879, 106678 / 5535879;
-- 0.1031;0.0193
# 双十二当天的漏斗模型
select behavior_type, count(behavior_type) num from temp_user
where dates = '2014-12-12'
group by behavior_type;
# +-------------+--------+
# behavior_type |num |
# +-------------+--------+
# |1 |298410 |
# |2 |10309 |
# |3 |23879 |
# |4 |13866 |
# +-------------+--------+
select (23879+10309) / 298410, 13866 / 298410;
-- 0.1146;0.0465
# 用户行为
create view user_behavior_view as
select user_id
,count(if(behavior_type = 1,1,null)) pv
,count(if(behavior_type = 2,1,null)) fav
,count(if(behavior_type = 3,1,null)) cart
,count(if(behavior_type = 4,1,null)) buy
from temp_user
group by user_id, item_id;
# 用户行为标准化
create view user_behavior_standard as
select user_id
,(case when pv>0 then 1 else 0 end) '浏览了'
,(case when fav>0 then 1 else 0 end) '收藏了'
,(case when cart>0 then 1 else 0 end) '加购了'
,(case when buy>0 then 1 else 0 end) '购买了'
from user_behavior_view
group by user_id, item_id;
# 购买路径类型
# 将行为连接,以此作为字段计数分析:
create view user_behavior_path as
select *
, concat(浏览了,收藏了,加购了,购买了) '购买路径类型'
from user_behavior_standard ubs
where ubs.购买了>0;
# 统计各购买路径数量
select 购买路径类型
, count(*) '数量'
from user_behavior_path
group by 购买路径类型
order by 数量 desc;
# 计算最近购买日期和购买次数
select user_id
, max(dates) '最近购买日期'
, count(user_id) '购买次数'
from temp_user
where behavior_type = 4
group by user_id
order by 2 desc, 3 desc;
## 建立rfm_model表,并添加f_score列
update rfm_model
set f_score= case
when(购买次数 between 0 and 10) then 1
when(购买次数 between 10 and 50) then 2
when(购买次数 between 50 and 100) then 3
when(购买次数 between 100 and 200) then 4
else 5 end;
# 添加r_score列
alter table rfm_model add column r_score int;
update rfm_model
set r_score= case
when 最近购买日期 in ('2014-11-18','2014-11-24') then 1
when 最近购买日期 in ('2014-11-24','2014-11-30') then 2
when 最近购买日期 in ('2014-11-30','2014-12-06') then 3
when 最近购买日期 in ('2014-12-06','2014-12-12') then 4
else 5 end;
# 对用户分层
set @f_avg = null;
set @r_avg = null; -- 定义用户变量存储平均值,加@以区分列名
select avg(f_score) into @f_avg from rfm_model;
select avg(r_score) into @r_avg from rfm_model;
alter table rfm_model add column class char(4);
update rfm_model set class = case
when f_score > @f_avg and r_score > @r_avg then '价值客户'
when f_score > @f_avg and r_score < @r_avg then '保持客户'
when f_score < @f_avg and r_score > @r_avg then '发展客户'
when f_score < @f_avg and r_score < @r_avg then '挽留客户'
select count(if(购买总数>1,a.user_id,null)) 复购人数
, count(if(购买总数>0,a.user_id,null)) 购买总人数
, concat(round(count(if(购买总数>1,1,null)) * 100 / count(if(购买总数>0,1,null)),2),'%') 复购率
select user_id
, count(if(behavior_type = 4,1,null)) 购买总数
from temp_user
group by user_id) a; -- 8117,8886,91.35%